Monday, December 26, 2011

A Haul

Look with envy upon the various hints contained in this glorious treasure.


  1. Scope, dental floss and nasal strips? Are these gifts with A Message?

  2. What's the pickle stuff in the very cool tin?

  3. I eat a bowl of Charming and Witty every morning.

    I have to say the things I find most intriguing are the hot sauce and the Scope.

    Also, Ive been meaning to ask you: Do you just have the biggest sweet tooth in creation? Do you even eat savory foods?

  4. I believe it means that Substance received a hefty gift certificate to Archie McPhee's.

  5. Also, Ive been meaning to ask you: Do you just have the biggest sweet tooth in creation? Do you even eat savory foods?

    When I have to.

    Hey, another dentist appointment tomorrow to replace the temporary crown and also the filling that has just popped out. All this is completely coincidental.

  6. The massive amount of candy is overcome the bitterness that coats the Mark Steyn CD. Even if he had only thought about it it would still be soaked in bitterness.

  7. Can you believe that? A Steyn CD?

    I wish everyone to know that this is a promo item, no money changed hands in this particular attempt to scare me.

  8. It broke my bizarreometer, that's for sure

  9. I've never encountered a man with an honest to gosh sweet tooth before. It's endearing!

  10. holy fuck, Mark Steyn made a CD?

    Y'all, I start to see a downside to the spread of easy digital mastering.

    Of course, if you actually listen to the cursed thing and report on it, Substance, I believe you have a lifetime guest spot at Sadly No.

  11. Well clearly if Steyn does some storytelling the words will be used in some other way...

  12. I didn't see the Steyn thing until y'all pointed it out. I'd actually rather he sung. I know the guy fancies himself something of a comedian. The idea of spoken word kookiness makes me wanna pull a Linda Blair.

  13. Assuming you went to the One Loonie & Up Store.

  14. What are you talking about? Santa has elves making Mark Steyn CDs for ALL the children of the world.

  15. "something" of a comedian.

    "a really shitty one" comes to mind.


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