Sunday, December 4, 2011

Ask Not for Whom the Belle Trolls

Here is the whole of a Rich Lowry post:
Cain’s exit yesterday was a wholly absurd spectacle. His suspended campaign is presumably still sitting on millions of dollars of contributions. Cain owes it to his supporters to endeavor to return that money to all those people who gave it to him in good faith..
Oh totally.

Comment-trolling then goes as expected:
I'm sure Sarah Palin (the one who gives Rich little zingy starbursts ;-) has given all of her contributions back. After all, it's not like Sarah teased money out her supporters under false pretenses, or anything like that...
Starbursty link added for the sake of completeness.

It's like America's Next Top Snake-Oil Salesman.


  1. His suspended campaign is presumably still sitting on millions of dollars of contributions.

    Sadly, Rich has missed the point of *suspending* a campaign rather than concluding it, which is that Cain can keep collecting contributions.

    So Rich has no comments on the absurdity of Gingrich's bookselling / fundraising campaign under the guise of a bid for the candidacy? Is he saving his advice for the retrospective view?

  2. Enjoy the schadenfreuding:

    Jennifer Rubin is outraged by Gingrich (because she sees Mittens as her best hope of having Iran nuked soon).

  3. Cain owes it to his supporters to endeavor to return that money to all those people who gave it to him in good faith.

    Right, just as the Returning of the Campaign Contributions has become a quadrennial ritual for Ron Paul and his faithful followers.

  4. I was told he trolled for me.


  5. If you don't have a brain and you gave money to Herman Cain blame yourself. Damn Lowery is anti-capitalism.


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