Thursday, August 18, 2011

Note to Smut

Nobody wants their dinner party described as "tentacular".


  1. This dinner party goes up to ELEVEN-tacular.

  2. Never ask for the fresh catch of the day at the Jules Verne Cafe.

  3. Savannah College of Art and Design must be an interesting place if their breast and blightest can't spele summa cum laude.

    Wait. Maybe it's sumo cum laude*.

    *Fat wrestlers** are screamers.
    **Apologies for teh looksist fat reference. WV reminds me that even teh heaviest yokozuna is a persen.

  4. "Note to Smut"
    IIRC, tigris has the one who keeps revealing her exhaustive knowledge of tentacle porn.

    Another food note to Huitlacoche Clyde.

    I have a vague idea for a blog post sometime that will describe my domestic experiments with using different kinds of flour in the home baking. Basically the family have been positive about most of these variant bread recipes, except the one using rye flour (98% ergot free!).
    I have been advised to "keep my powdered rye".

  5. domestic experiments with using different kinds of flour in the home baking.

    I don't care how good a gardener you are, you can't make a home taste good.

  6. yokozuna

    *tilts head sideways in a puppy-like manner*

  7. Hey!

    Who was taking pictures at my last little soiree?

    'Cause the first rule about Octopus Dinner is...

    Well, you know...

  8. if their breast and blightest can't spele summa cum laude.

    I take that to be the gallery's error.

    You must watch this.

  9. You must watch this.

    I give mom/dad five yrs. before they are dead at the hands of their spawn.

  10. OMFG What did I just watch?!?

    U R an horrible monster, and that is why you cannot begin to comprehend the immense greatness that is sumo.

  11. I don't care how good a gardener you are, you can't make a home taste good.

    Tell that to Cavallaro.

  12. I don't care how good a gardener you are, you can't make a home taste good.

    What if it's a gingerbread house? Huh?

  13. Fish posts a link and right there on the page is fish propaganda. He may be marked as spam soon.

  14. Fish spam sounds surprisingly tasty.

  15. Wrap smoked salmon in uncured bacon.

    Sear in a HOT pan.

    Ok, it's better with sea scallops, but the idea is that the addition of pork products makes anything spam-like...


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