Monday, August 15, 2011

A Lesson

Message to the bats: if you want to paint tits, just paint tits.


  1. I don't think those flowers look like tits. Neither does Georgia O'Keefe.

  2. Waitaminute.

    I'm still grooving on the bats that can paint.

    Can any of them sculpt?

    Inquiring minds guano know...

  3. I thought this was going to be about drinking with BBBB.

  4. if you want to paint tits, just paint tits.

    The Frau Doktorin complains that the paint is too cold.

  5. The trick is combining both lemons and boobies in some way. When i was trying to get Dudeskull to breastfeed, I put sugar water on my, well, I'm not gonna TMI this thread. ANYHOO, maybe I should have tried some lemon meringue or something.

  6. I know! How's he ever gonna get a taste for fresh fetus otherwise?


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