Saturday, August 13, 2011

Here in Lovely NY

I have to say insects in Vancouver are politely quiet. Must be the dope.


  1. Welcome to the East Coast!

    You must be hearing the racket of the cicadas. They are edible, and taste like celery flavored M&Ms- nice candy crunch, mild "green" flavor.

  2. Advice to BBBB: Don't try out-drinking Substance. He will only become unruly and you'll both be thrown out.

  3. If you don't take McSubstance to McSorley's, you will be doing him a grave disservice.

  4. McSorley's?

    I recommened Sophie's - 5th Street between A and B.

  5. Substance has contacts with the Canadian underground in NY. They will guide him to the appropriate watering holes. You would be well advised keep him under surveillance at all times...

  6. There will be some sort of place where, if you make the correct hand signal, you will get the maple syrup beer or beir.

    Sorry, no burbn, capcha.

  7. If you don't take McSubstance to McSorley's, you will be doing him a grave disservice.

    I once got cut off there, at 3PM on a Monday.


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