Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Flag

Someone has made a film!
Cliff Elliot is close to getting his Eagle Scout award, a promise he made to his late father. His eagle project includes having a flagpole erected at the local Petty County High School. He paid for the project by having flags posted in neighbors’ yards for a year on patriotic holidays.

By the end of that year, the Boy Scouts of America had closed its doors due to bad press from an accidental death at a scout camp. The American Flag has also been banned from public viewing.

The Citizens Taskforce, represented by local congressman Jude Marx (who was paramount in getting the scouts closed and the flag banned), search for Cliff in an effort to stop the flag postings. Instead, Cliff skirts around the “pretend police” in an effort to finish his eagle project and become the last boy in America to become an Eagle Scout… all while striving to live the scout law.
Here's a trailer:

The title of the article introducing the film is a fine muddle:
Why We Shouldn’t Take Our Freedoms for Granted: Introducing ‘The Last Eagle Scout’
Indeed, if we take our freedoms for granted we may end up with The Last Eagle Scout.


  1. That looks like a Second Class Scout badge.

    I'd know, because that's as far as I went in the official B.S. system. Back in the 70s, we were into going camping (not to mention wearing long hair and blue jeans).

    Not spells, I mean badges.

  2. See, the congressman is called Marx!!!!

    Note that in comments some of the Bug-eyed Hollywood group are applauding the banning of the 'Federal' flag. *Rolls eyes*

  3. Wow, that trailer is funny in an amateur-hour kind of way. I thought from the title that the Last Eagle Scout was going to be a puppet controlled by his malicious aunt, and after being deposed by the communist revolution would live out his days as a gardener.

  4. somedays, you can't even get out of the house for all the strawpeople demanding that the American flag be banned.

    I find it a bit surprising, however, that these turdwaffles manage to brave the liberals hiding under their bed long enough to actually FILM something.

  5. Wow. I'm glad 30-year-old blonde-haired, blue-eyed boy is gonna save Murka.

    "Jude Marx!" is a dumb name. "Jude Islamocommunistnazigaybortion." Now THERE'S a name!

  6. Actually, I think a couple of commenters mention "Red Dawn." The comments make me sad for Murka. But the comments always do.

  7. I WOULD, however, go see the Last Beagle Scout. I hear Pixar has it slated for 2013 release.

  8. Judas or Jew? A puzzler there. I guess the original was both.

  9. I suppose Marxist B. (for Bolshevik) Juden was too obvious.

    OK, this is beyond amusing or even ridiculous: W.V. McCaptcha is "frejew."

  10. I wonder if the slingshot at the end of the trailer is a reference to David and Goliath?

    This looks like it will make American Carol look like Academy Award material.

  11. Just to ruin some fun it turns out that the guy who did this insane thing apparently does the "Will It Blend" stuff.

  12. Well, "Will it Blend?" (Before or after Letterman's "Will It Float?") is juvenile & destructive behavior, except that authority approves of it.

    That is, as GOP as you can get.

  13. That is most definitely a second class way will he earn his Eagle badge before he turns 18. As a 50+ year veteran of Scouting it doesn't surprise me that there are flag banning folks out there.

    Old Scout

  14. The unspoken assumption here, which I guess I have to spell out for clarity, is that such people are few and far between and the scenario depicted in the post above therefore hilarious in conception (if not in the way its makers think it might be).


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