Saturday, April 23, 2011

Filed For Later Use

Yes yes, the power of dumb. How droll.

I still really like ol' Ethel:

Bonus excuse generation template:

Were those ACME™ Unpredictable Super Apes? Because when you're standing at the checkout counter behind a singed and flattened coyote it's head-scratching time.


  1. Fortunately the monkey butlers are unionised and will not allow union members to be cast aside so easily.

  2. a singed and flattened coyote

    If 'singe-d' is intended as a French/English joke, then Ho Ho. If not, pretend I never said anything.

  3. Evidently Dr. Dumb's armor requires only a mask in the front. I recommend bonking him on top of the head.

  4. What about Unpredictable Dumb Super-Apes? They are the most dangerous of them all!

    Awww, what am I saying? Erick is TOTALLY predictable.

  5. Hey! That dood has one of Von's hoodies.

    The green one with the built in belt loops.



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