Monday, November 8, 2010

My Tax Dollars At Work (But Mostly Quebec's)

Seeing meat makes people less aggressive.

Be at peace.

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  1. Just shows that peas sucks, as any warblogger could tell you.

    Results from a McGill University study, released Monday, suggest that people — men, anyway — become less aggressive at the sight of meat.

    Have they studied the difference between mere meat (sliced from the bodies of meres, of course) and BACON?

    I'm sure Pinko Punko and Thers could aid in this research.

  2. My funding proposal was rejected by PETA. Have they no respect for science?

  3. Sorry, meat that's detached from the parts that should make it move but is moving anyway does not make me any less aggressive, just increases the "fight or flight" anxiety.

  4. I think I mostly want to just keep using that stupid ditty, and if jumping meat provides the excuse, then that's the way it is.

    WV: Stain

  5. We all need meat goggles.

    meat that's detached from the parts that should make it move but is moving anyway does not make me any less aggressive, just increases the "fight or flight" anxiety.

    Makes me think of this.

  6. I accidentally watched this

    While the posted video was palying in another window. It added a nice background music to the scene.

  7. The Meat Puppets are the most glaring case of bad drummer/great band I've ever heard.

  8. I like the way the arms go through the sides.

  9. ...the left-most gran-loin, who has three portions of meat in her "vision", is clearly hopping up and down most aggressively; the right-most, seeing no meat (unless you've hidden a pile outside the frame), is most lethargic and unaggressive. I'm going for a burger.

  10. Y'know, I don't mind those little paper panties on my lamb chops. But if my steaks are going to arrive at the table in housecoat and slippers, I'm going to have a chat with the maître d’hôtel that merely STARTS with his adam's apple gripped in my fist...

  11. Thus far I believe I have scientifically proven that this meat=nonaggression theory is WRONG WRONG WRONG!

  12. If it were true, wouldn't there be no cow punchers?


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