Monday, November 8, 2010

Data is a State of Mind

Bjorn Lomborg takes his show to Big Hollywood:
For nearly two decades now, people have been arguing about climate change and getting nowhere. Right-wingers argue that global warming is a hoax based on unsubstantiated science, while left-wingers insist that not only is it real but unless we spend everything we have and more trying to stop it, the world will end tomorrow.

To which I say, “Stop—you’re both wrong!”

This, in a nutshell, is the message of the new documentary about me and my work that opens nationwide on Nov. 12. It’s called “Cool It” and, yes, the title is meant to be clever. The idea is that we do need to cool down the planet, but in order to do it sensibly we first need to cool it ourselves. That is, we need to dispense with both the anti-scientific denialism and the Al Gore-ish fear-mongering. Instead, what we should be doing is facing facts—and responding to them not with rhetoric but with smarter, more rational policies.
Okay, could be worse: less the Broderisms the guy is suggesting something be done, although Lomborg is not necessarily your go-to guy for suggestions. How much can he get away with?
The first fact we need to acknowledge is the reality of global warming. Like it or not, the data is abundantly clear that man-made greenhouse gases have been building up in the atmosphere for decades if not centuries, with the result that global temperatures are rising.
This, by MonoPed, is the general response in comments:
"Like it or not, the data is abundantly clear..."

That may be an effective debate technique among the libtards of the world, but here in the real world, it means your argument doesn't hold water. Now go peddle your global warming hoax garbage over on HuffPo where the rest of the collectivist morons hang out.


  1. Data is the chameleon of rapid and self-interested change.

  2. "You're gonna lose control."

    The comments are fun. I like this exchange between The Real Randy and js3001. With posts like this, the Big conglomerate's integrity is at stake! No, this is to help us refine our debate skills!

  3. It's all BOC and thrash metal around here.

    And when J-- busts out with the .38 Special lyric?


    Just don't seem fair...

  4. It's New Edition. In a just world quoting them would be grounds for banishment.

  5. here in the real world, it means your argument doesn't hold water.

    I imagine that Lomborg enraged Monoped by using 'data' as a singular noun. Also, Bloody monopeds.

  6. Well for some reason I can't read the comments over in La La Land. This is a great wound to my happiness. I wonder how many Sorosbucks Lomborg got?
    It cost $13.79 to get me and nearly $20 to get Thunder so I'm picking $25 at least for Lomborg.
    Also, trditionally, an insulting tag is used for Global Warming stories.

  7. Ah, thank you for the set-up Smut.

    I imagine that Lomborg enraged Monoped by using 'data' as a singular noun. Also, Bloody monopeds.

    I imagine that Monoped's nym refers to the fact that he's only ever molested one children.

  8. What's up with 'Borg's "Road to Damascus" moment?

  9. Lomborg was The Sceptical Environmentalist or some such so he had a dollar each way. He would always go straight to personal attacks when questioned, however which was a bit of a giveaway. He's reading the writing on the wall now, IMO.

  10. I agree. Contrarian economist couldn't ignore the numbers, so he's found a new contrarian position on policy.

  11. double LOLs over here.

    except for the impending destruction of the planet and so forth.

    so very cool

  12. But guys: --atmospheric CO2 450 million years ago was 5000 ppm -- now 388 ppm -- near an all time low!

    So we're just returnign to the idyllic climate that existed before there were even dinosaurs!`

  13. Global Warming is so 2006-ish.


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