Thursday, October 21, 2010

Women Are Leeches

Veronique de Rugy:
It would benefit women if you took away their benefits.
Let's actually quote a portion of it:
Also, government benefits tend to make people dependent, which is too bad considering how long women have fought for their independence. The example I use is the one of Social Security: Women depend on Social Security more than men. Based on Social Security data, almost 29 percent of women over age 65 rely on Social Security for at least 90 percent of their retirement income. That number increases to 46 percent for unmarried elderly women. These women are particularly vulnerable to changes in government policies. At any time, Congress can reduce benefits even for people who have paid into the system their entire lives. In a sense, it did that earlier this month by saying that Social Security recipients won’t get a cost-of-living increase this year.

The reality is that the benefits these women are receiving from Social Security and are counting on receiving in the future are not a sure thing. If fact, we should all prepare for the likelihood that they will be reduced. Starting in 2014, the system will run a deficit, and the trust fund will run dry in 2037. Benefit cuts seem inevitable. Women stand to lose the most.

I have been getting a lot of very negative e-mails just for suggesting that women would be better off breaking their dependence on government payouts. As expected, I have been accused of wanting to put older women on a cat-food diet.
What a baseless accusation to make of someone who wants to make 90-year-old women more independent by not giving them money.


  1. An income in old age is the ultimate form of slavery.

  2. these people are so hateful it puts a zombie off his lunch.

    wv says the future is herboot, stamping on an old lady's face, forever.

  3. Sorry, need to clarify:
    Receiving back your own investment in a pension fund is the ultimate form of slavery.

    I would hesitate to stamp on Granny's face; she might get angry.

  4. these people are so hateful it puts a zombie off his lunch.

    Dammit, Zombs, we were counting on you!

  5. The reality is that the benefits these women are receiving from Social Security and are counting on receiving in the future are not a sure thing.

    indeed and my 401k retirement fund is holding up so well!

  6. If your savings are wiped out you're the MOST independent. Celebrate your womanhood.

  7. With prostitution! Oh wait, little old ladies, nm.

  8. did you write this?


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