Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Duke to Nuts

Everyone loves Jimmy McMillan! There's nothing like a good kook to make politics entertaining although it's a pity that many go on to actually hold office, and with more pernicious agendas.

But what, in the eyes of a different kook, is Jimmy McMillan's most endearing feature?

That's right, gentle reader, he's a fan of Ronald Reagan:
Still, there’s one politician McMillan admires: Ronald Reagan. The 40th president charmed audiences with his impeccable sense of humor, and McMillan tried to emulate his example last night. For instance, at one point he rhymed his answer: “There’s nowhere to go. Once again, why? You said it, ‘The rent is too damn high.’” The audience roared. “Once the other candidates heard that,” he says, “they were doomed.”

A sense of humor is the sharpest of political weapons and for McMillan, no one wielded it better than Reagan. “Obama has almost got it, but Ronald Reagan perfected it,” he says. “I love him to death.”
Attempts to appropriate rock and roll and Dr. Seuss make a kind of sense: they're really really good, if usually antithetical to hilarious social conservative boobs and bloodless libertarian maniacs alike. Jimmy McMillan though? HANDS OFF MY NUTS.


  1. I'd vote for him in any other year, but I can't afford the luxury of lulz.

  2. The reason I can't afford the luxury of lulz is because...

    wait for it...
    wait for it...

    The rent is 2 damn high!

    The rant is free.

  3. He is so worth it though.

    Any other year... any other year...


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