Sunday, October 3, 2010


An appraisal:
[Serge Gainsbourg] knew no cultural boundaries. He was a Eurovision Song Contest winner — 1965, representing Luxembourg, not France — who was also compared to France's greatest poets. When he died, in 1991, president Francois Mitterrand called him "our Apollinaire, our Baudelaire".
Pfft. Trust a Frenchman to think one of theirs could be as talented as Apollinaire or Baudelaire.


  1. It all makes sense once you realize that Francois Mitterrand was a secret Luxembourger.

  2. "our Apollinaire, our Baudelaire"

    Number One with a bullet!

  3. Huh.

    I always thought they were Belgians...

    W/V offers a creative new epithet to be flung at the bookish and well-read - literd

  4. Francois Mitterrand was a secret Luxembourger.
    Or a secret Russian emigre.

    Also noteworthy:
    "But we had the best defendants," [Birkin] adds, recalling that Francois Truffaut was an advocate".

    This was in the Age, a Murdoch paper, so I am willing to believe that the illiteracy and bizarre word choices are the work of the columnist rather than of her interviewees.

  5. I am quite prepared to believe Australians got something wrong, the sexy accented buggers.

  6. I will have you know that the Frau Doktorin finds my accent sexy, especially the way I say "Mmmfffmfffmmmff".


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