Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I was gonna make a very complicated picture of Orly with granny medusa hair, but you know, YOU DO IT.

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See also Silvio Berlusconi.


  1. Hee hee, it looks like she uses granny slinkies as hair rollers.

  2. I'm a minimalist so I just gave Orly a granny tongue. Hot.

  3. I just gave Orly a granny tongue

    Is that anything like a Chicago Steamer?

  4. Pretty obvious that I should have included a full-body stand-up shot of someone...

  5. "Sloth" would sound much more sophisticated than "Laziness."

  6. Also, it is not funny to mock people w/o all their teef.

  7. I am not sure which is more disturbing, Berlusconi with grannie boogers or with a grannie earring.

  8. I went with the grannie boogers before I got to your comment, S.C.

  9. Because he is pure in thought and deed, Thunder (if that is your real name).


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