Thursday, July 22, 2010

Free the Citizens of Cuba!

The other embargo:
U.S. Customs and Border Protection guards seized five computers donated by Vancouver residents that were bound for Cuba Wednesday as part of the 21st Pastors for Peace Caravan to Cuba.


Solanki, one of five Vancouver residents on the 85-person humanitarian aid caravan to break the U.S. trade embargo against Cuba, said the reasoning behind the seizure was the U.S. authorities wanted to investigate whether the computers could be used for military purposes.

“These computers are Pentium 4s that are five-year-old used computers, so it’s a bit of a ridiculous charge,” said Solanki. “So they took five of them to inspect them to see if they could be used for military purposes by Cuba. That doesn’t even make sense, because they confiscated five of them and left another 55 computers with us.”
Okay, my title's a little off, but hey, they're releasing political prisoners lately, so that's a good step. Um, HOORAY FOR THE CATHOLIC CHURCH!


  1. They need computers, I want cigars. Time for this Cold War madness to end.

  2. If they can keep sixty-year-old cars running, imagine what they can do with five-year-old computers.

  3. Ok, so the Newtmeister thinks we ought to be more like Saudi Arabia. US Customs thinks we should handle Cuba the same way Israel handles Gaza. Rick Perry thinks we should emulate Uganda in the way we deal with homosexuality. And many, from Lou Dobbs to Pat Buchannan think there's just no worse oppression than that suffered by white men in America.

    But by golly-gosh, every one of them LOVES the Constitution and actively opposes Tyranny.

    Oh, at this point? Nothing means anything anymore. It's all just gooey, amorphous glop, and we wallow around in it, eating galoshes and drinking lead...

  4. I seem to be running Intel Core Duo™2 T7700 at 2.40 GHz on the old winetop.

  5. Holy Shit! I hope you lock that thing up at night, Thunder! The Cubans could totally dominate the hemisphere if they got their hands on your evil technology!

    The free world hangs in the balance...

  6. Don't worry, mikey.

    The Cubans don't know that if it won't boot up, you need to smack it on the head.

    True Lies: I've figured out that I don't need to reseat the memory, just smacking the thing eventually lets it boot up.

  7. This is why technological espionage from the third world is not a threat to American hegemony.

    Until they come to understand how to OPERATE the equipment, just owning it won't be a threat...

  8. Don't forget, the WOPR only needed 128k to nearly start World War III.


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