Friday, March 19, 2010

The Invasion of Russia


C'mon, Google!

The ЗОРБ image search is awfully productive...


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  1. People who live in Zorbs shouldn't pin up calendars.

  2. I fear the bubble is going to burst on the ЗОРБ market any day now.

  3. Genial brief and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you seeking your website ranking information.

  4. Ok, well, I'll be the first to admit that I frequently have no idea what's going on here. Some of it becomes apparent in context, such as the Cyrillic zorbs, although I never did grasp the genesis of the whole zorb meme, it seems to have caught on to a degree miley cyrus could only dream about.

    But on a more meta level, or perhaps the vaunted view from fifty thousand fee (you can see it with google earth, if you roll that way), I am encouraged, indeed, the cockles of my heart (all four of them) are warmed by the knowledge that you people are NOT NORMAL, indeed, that reflected in the diffuse light of your overarching defectiveness, I might even be seen as a normal, contributing member of society.

    So, in short, I'll continue to stand over here and watch in the kind of mesmerized fascination typically reserved for large cardboard-box clad street performers and the corrupt governors of small souther states, both grateful for acceptance into the community and confused by the synchronized ritual behavior I have yet to grasp.

    No, no. DO carry on...

  5. Let me spoil the magic and allow that much of my delight with the зорбы comes from this press conference.

  6. ...which I think J— posted at Thunder's place.

    And of course someone who is not me has loved orbs since time immemorial.

  7. truly, mikey, it's like since Pinko had a kid, 3Bulls has outsourced weird incomprehensibility to HoS and Riddled.

  8. Indeed.

    And oddly, personified by no less intellectual luminaries as Subster and Bimmler, the bizarre disconnect between the educated brilliance and a kind of inchoate conceptual-level non-sequitor only contributes to the mind bending sense that "if only I had that ONE missing piece of information, if only I had taken that ONE class, if only I had read that particular book, I might be able to seen the thing in it's complete glory and then, truly, I would be crippled with paroxysms of laughter until such time as I vomited in complete helpless hilarity"...

  9. I would think a really good joint might suffice...

  10. I'm in. Earl Grey tea and a couple bong hitz.

    The rest is as may be..


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