Monday, November 9, 2009

Two Limericks

A limerick of dubious quality
Should offend every part of the polity
With dick-slop in ceral
And urges gone feral
And metrical finishes faulity

A limerick of dubious quality
Once told of a man of frivolity
Who’d a cowbell inserted
Where most often turds hid
And sleighbells attached to his ballities



  1. Check the guy who doesn't need to breathe haggling about inspiration.

  2. inspiration, respiration, I'm not looking to quibble.

    Actually, many times I am willing to give up a little respiration in exchange for some inspiration.

    Never involves limericks though.

    Could be worse, I suppose; you could be doing puns like those chunknozzles at 3Bulls. What's up with those CobagOmbudsman, anyway?

  3. Never involves limericks though.

    You must change your life. Just imagine the Apollo sculpture as a silly poem about boners and there you have it.

  4. A limerick of dubious quality
    Told the tale of a leprous wallaby
    That sang as it sloughed
    Most its fur in large tufts,
    "All of me, why not take all of me"

  5. I keep having a recurring dream that I am trying to put in a larger-than-my-eyeball contact lens.

    Keep in mind that comment was BEFORE K had an infant.

  6. Though the quality of the limerick was dubious
    Hurting the sensibilities of you, me, us
    It was a limerick nonetheless
    And you'll have to acquiesce
    The writers are to a certain degree, us!

    Damn. Degree of difficulty is a plus four. And the spanish judge is drunk...

  7. Oh, and if anybody wants to take a whack at it, the title of this post is a Spin Doctors song parody in waiting.

    I can't do it right now, Jon Gruden is busy yelling at me...

  8. Oh, and if anybody wants to take a whack at it, the title of this post is a Spin Doctors song parody in waiting.

    My brainsploded.

  9. When walking his dog in the park
    ZRM is subjected to snark
    For the pooch, although puny,
    Holds degrees from a Uni.;
    Its bite is no worse than its B.Arch.

  10. Whilst Bimler was walking his weta
    An idea occurred that was better
    Strap more bugs to his shoes
    And continue to cruise
    To a place where his whistle'd get wetter

  11. "Blood Sausage!" Cried out the good Dok
    In a manner disarmingly ad hoc.
    Beer and sausage can't be beat
    Washed down with Akavit
    "Hold on, I think I know a good Wood Block"

  12. Hard to hold it against anyone for being one step ahead of a zombie.

  13. These things we won in battle at the finish of the strife:
    There were Old-Master paintings, each the dowry of a wife.
    The paintings showed the swarming beasts with which the hills are rife;
    The Lemming-Titians of the women are the greatest things in life.

  14. There was a man of Austria
    Who'd emptied all his coffers
    To purchase some addictive sweets
    He'd scream "GET TO THE JAFFAS!"

  15. A limerick of dubious quality
    was read to the local pub's polity
    the poet was bruised
    and his hat was then used
    by a lout as an ad hoc commode-ity

  16. well, you REALLY don't want to let Bimler get behind you. Have you ever seen his woodcuts?

  17. Woodcuts? Only a couple of splinters scratches.
    It was called a Slippery Elm so I thought I wouldn't need SHUT UP SMUT

  18. Actually, many times I am willing to give up a little respiration in exchange for some inspiration.

    OMG, how long has this veiled auto-erotic asphyxiation refernce just sat there hanging in the closet?

    A limerick of dubious quality,
    Was presented by the Great Ptolemy.
    Yet it was his very best,
    Since the Almagest,
    The Earth Does Not Move by corollary.

  19. Lyndon LaRouche
    Lyndon LaRouche
    If you sleep sideways
    You may need a Kush


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