Monday, November 9, 2009

The Ayn Rand School for Tots Is a Bad Idea

Really, this is completely bonkers:
A main tenet of the multiculturalism and Enviro-Statism inculcated by Modern Liberal educators and as practiced on “Sesame Street” — exemplified in “We All Sing the Same Song,” is the diminishment of the unique greatness of American culture.
This is a children's show, for children, and what's being disputed is a song about how to be nice to other children even if they're different. A healthy chunk of American kids are gonna be immigrants, you know, and maybe teaching four-year-olds "I'm better than you" is not the greatest socialization trick.

Besides, it's for parents to disillusion children, NOT THE NANNY STATE!


  1. A nation does not become the mightiest, most supermost-baddest (USA No. 1!) ever in the world or universe by letting the slightest little slight against it prevail.

    The only vaguely rational explanation is that this is offered as "evidence" that college per-fessers are doing the same thing to those kids down the street who are actually going beyond high school, since the average 'bagger will never get to see the official "Hate AmeriKKKa" syllabus the snooty elitists are passing around during their faculty teas, while they laugh at NASCAR

    To which I can only add: "Ha ha ha, NASCAR!" & "Ha ha, those people are fucking idiots."

  2. Kids had to learn about means of production in 2nd grade and human capital in 4th. This is what social studies is now, indoctrination into capitalism.
    By 6th grade they will need to memorize Galt's speech.

  3. Jesus, just when you think it couldn't get dumber, along comes Big Hollywood contributor Stage Right calling sustainable development "the most regressive and dangerous idea the Green-Left has ever put forth" and calling out Sesame Street as a collaborator.

  4. I imagine that if I went bananas I might have an idea like that too. There but for the grace of god and so on.

  5. I thought universal health care was the biggest threat to America?

  6. The bananas of yesterday are brown and mushy today.

  7. The Bananas of YesterdayNovember 10, 2009 at 1:11 PM

    Our manager reckoned we needed a new image.

  8. An amusing slant to this is that I call Adam Baldwin nuts in comments and someone calls me a contrarian for doing so.

    I believe I am swimming with the herd on this one. Also ABBA were great.

  9. As opposed to the bonfire of the manatees.

  10. Of course the Nanny State should be disillusioning my child. Then sending her to bed without dinner. It's what the nanny is for.
    I'm not counting the beating-soundly-with-a-hairbrush business, because she charges extra for that.

  11. As opposed to the bonfire of the manatees.

    Yet another thing the nanny state forbids you to do!

    Mind you the manatee bonfire takes forever to light, so...

  12. I suspect you were just using underpowered matches, Subby.

    I think I can help you with that manatee bonfire....

  13. Now that I think of it, you don't hear much about spontaneous combustion among manatees. What makes them so special???

  14. Might I suggest you use a Manatee Match for better results?

  15. You might have to insert that one in the manatee, and I kinda wanna just hold the match to the flipper.

  16. The nanny state informs me that a spoonful of sugar helps the manatee go down.

  17. ABBA were great...ABBA was great...

    so hard to choose.

  18. Split the difference. ABBA rules.

  19. ABBA rules
    enclosed rhyme scheme
    should reign supreme
    at all good poetry schools

  20. No problem: ABBA grated and still grates.


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