Friday, November 13, 2009


ME: An irony cake so heavy it crushes the table:
CRYBABY BALDWIN: In reply to a recent political and cultural controversy involving “Sesame Street,” Sesame Workshop Executive Vice President Miranda Barry wrote:
SOMEONE FROM SESAME STREET: Jim Henson, Jon Stone, Frank Oz and others set a witty and silly tone for Sesame Street that our current writers work to maintain despite the demands of political correctness.
CRYBABY BALDWIN: What then, specifically, are the demands of political correctness that Ms. Barry’s taxpayer-funded organization operates under?
ME: And why isn't my kind of political correctness on that list?


  1. By the time I finished decoding the various levels of indentation in order to try to get at least a sense of who it was that was saying what, I completely forgot what they actually said.

    Perhaps you could use some kind of chart structure or even color-coding, rather than him indenting the person HE'S quoting only then to have YOU indent HIM.

    I swear, it's like a can of dog food with picture of a man holding a can of dog food on the label - with the can in the picture having a picture of a man holding a can of dog food on the label...

  2. someone needs to look up "despite"

  3. the obvious solution is to get Firefly back on the air, so Cry, Baby, Cry doesn't have so much time on his hands.

    I also believe I would like some of what mikey's having.

  4. That is some NICE crayon work, soldier...

  5. HTML conceals the fact that I can't stay inside the lines. Hooray for technology!

  6. Broken symmetries, Divide by zero
    Measure it, test it, no superheroes
    SUSY and Strings, the math lets you try it
    But holy shit, you can't falsify it.

    Hubble and Chandra and Spitzer gaze out
    "stranger than we CAN imagine" no doubt
    LHC looks past the Tevatron
    Searching for Higgs, and the Graviton

    I get the universe isn't what it appears to be
    But we can still know, even if we can't SEE
    And in spite of America's evangelical twaddle
    We can at very least establish the Standard Model.

  7. Hubble and Chandra and Spitzer gaze out

    I HATE that Spitzer guy.

  8. I eagerly await mc mikey's album.

  9. Which is bound to be great, after all, 'cause if there's one thing I do very well it's scratch...

  10. Bert has an oatmeal collection, WHAT DOES THIS MEAN???


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