Friday, November 13, 2009

I Have Always Loved This Story

Via Boing Boing again.


  1. So much for claims of athletic ability & so on. Feh.

    It's all random. None of those clowns know what the hell they're doing.

  2. Back in the seventies, before I gave up completely on legitimate, gainful employment, I got a job as a night security guard. First they had me working at the Holiday Inn, but while I was there the restaurant burned down one night (remind me to tell you about evacuating a hotel at three am in a raging storm - I saw shit I could NOT believe) so they transfered me to this car lot that was having some kind of union trouble.

    So I'm the security guard at this car dealership and it's late and I'm having trouble staying awake, so in the interest, you know, of getting the job done I ate a couple hits of some blotter.

    The next morning, there was significant damage to the car lot, and I was nowhere to be found. I never went back to that company. And no, I am not really sure how I managed to get TWO little cars stacked on top of a van conversion. But damn I wish they had digital cameras back then...

  3. Back in the seventies, before I gave up completely on legitimate, gainful employment, I got a job as a night security guard.

    I'm close to giving up on it. Again.

  4. legitimate, gainful employment
    Is one out of three OK?

  5. I have a vague recollection of my dad telling me about this one when I was a kid. He didn't tell me this Dock Ellis story: that one time in 1974 when he started, he tried to hit every single Reds batter.

  6. Al Rambo and his girlfriend Mitzi were Ellis' hosts the morning his no hitter acid was consumed. "I met Dock on the front porch of a lady friend's house in 1962," recalls Rambo. "He drove up in a 1959 four-door Chevy Impala with 'The Nut' written on the rear windshield. He walked up and told me he was a singer. I asked him to sing and he said he only did it for money."


  7. ...yeah, well I only do it for money, too! (haven't done it in a while, to be honest)


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