Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Trust Me

I'm Victor Davis Hanson, academic, and verily I say to thee, academics are stupid liars or terrorists and they float around on clouds.

Also they are judgmental. Did I mention they were complainers?


  1. Also self righteous non stop sermonizing and intolerance of real dissent are bad things.

    The John Chu stuff is the give-away, he dissed Californian agriculture and Victorus Decimus Maximus has Californian agriculture.

  2. Academic? I thought Vic was a gentleman farmer near Fresno. Does he teach at Cal State Nowhere?

  3. Hoover Institution counts, I'd say. What, you think the NRO would let some fucking farmer on their pages?

  4. VDH has a vineyard because that's what Cicero or Ptolemy or Euclid or some shit would have done.

  5. I float around on clouds.

    Is that a bad thing now?

    'Cause I can stop anytime I want...

  6. So VD Hanson spends his days eating sour grapes and watching 300 Pron?

    Surprised, I am.

  7. I wonder god awful part of the god awful 300 is the money shot, frame.
    Some beardy jawing on about death and blood and the like I suppose. Whilst those of us who enjoy the Danish version of "Come Dancing" are considered weird.

  8. I float around on clouds.
    Is that a bad thing now?

    It's OK if you're a character in an Aristophanes play. Not if you're an academic.

  9. These would be metaphorical clouds, eh? I, for one, would fall through any clouds that I was dropped on and since they are usually quite high in the sky, this would be a bad thing.
    But it is not generally known that The Good Herr Doktor and I do inhabit a Land of Clouds


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