Monday, September 21, 2009

This Is Your Brain On Thugs

Brains getting tortured are probably not working at their best. That squares with my prejudices, so I am happy being nutty enough to continue thinking that torturing people is both wrong and ineffective. Others are different, as the end of the article shows:
In what is probably a futile effort to avert a flood of pro-torture comments and e-mails, let me point out that whenever science learns something about the brain, it is always possible that the generalization fails to apply to some particular brains. Maybe the brains of Abu Zubaydah, who was waterboarded 83 times, and of 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who was waterboarded 183 times, are different, and their torture elicited truthful information. Neuroscientists would very much like to see the evidence of that.
Yes, it's futile to think you can avoid those who are outraged that outrages are not visited upon others.


  1.'s futile to think you can avoid those who are outraged that outrages are not visited upon others.

    ...and I'm outraged by the futility of this avoided visitation.

  2. I'm actually quite excited about this new found loophole in accountability for lawbreaking.

    Even now, I am developing a compelling set of evidence demonstrating the efficacy of bank robbery. I also have an interesting theory on the broad benefits to society arising from purse snatching.

    I'm having a little more difficulty building a convincing case for the national security imperative for shooting my neighbor in the head (he IS Chinese, but beyond that it gets kind of muddled), but after I'm acquitted of the bank robberies and purse snatches I expect I'll bring a more robust credibility to the discussion....

  3. holy living fuck, is he actually saying that generalized results are not applicable to all?

    Based on that, I think mikey and I are able to commence a nationwide series of appalling crimes against humanity, as long as we commit them against pundits. Because over the average, they will be inconsequential.

    I believe Orly Taitz will be our legal representation.


  4. holy living fuck, is he actually saying that generalized results are not applicable to all?

    No no, it's the out for crazies who insist that torture worked in those cases: there is no evidence of that, please produce it.

    I think the author here is bringing a little outrage and snark herself. I just think it's sad that you might write in dread of a shitstorm of Nazis.

  5. Too scared to summon the demons that live in the wind.


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