Monday, August 31, 2009

Deep Concern

The Indian Health Ministry's Department of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy is concerned about the proliferation of clinics offering "dubious ayurvedic therapies".


  1. "You got your ghee on my chakra!" "No, you got your chakra in my ghee!" Hmm, needs work.

  2. It's the full-page blink tag that really makes the official government website highly usable and credible.

  3. Jeepers AYUSH has a 'Thrust Area' but the link takes one to No Information. Dubious???

  4. is the domain favoured by Indian government, and a lot of those sites are just as terrible, so I take the site itself as far less dubious than Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy.

  5. Singh & Ernst in "Trick or Treatment" devote a couple of pages to explaining how homeopathy -- the quintessence of Western quackery -- became ensconced in India of all places.

    "Homeopathy had been introduced there in 1829 by Dr Martin Honigberger, a Transylvanian physician who joined the court of Maharajah Ranjit Singh in Lahore. The idea then spread rapidly throughout India, prospering largely because it was perceived as being in opposition to the imperialist medicine practiced by the British invaders [...] And having imported homeopathy from the West, India then exported it back to the West in the 1970s [...] It was considered by many Westeners to be an exotic, natural, holistic and individualized form of medicine..."

    On a previous page I see that the homeopathic preparation of acetic acid is "antidotal to all anæsthetic vapors. Counteracts sausage poisoning."

  6. An interesting part of the article is that one of the experts quoted is an American who seems to be possessed of no education anyone should take seriously.

  7. I have spent nigh on to six decades trying to CONTRACT sausage poisoning and here some overpaid undereducated socialized medicine nitwit is trying to CURE it?

    What the Fuckerage?

    Jawohl, mein fultr

  8. I had the Bullshit song looping in the background when I followed that link.

  9. Also, is the Indian Health Ministry's Department voicing its concerned about the proliferation of clinics offering "dubious homeopathic and naturopathic therapies"? Perhaps they need some encouragement.

  10. Spreading Vedic Astrology

    I think a penicillin shot will clear that up.


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