Sunday, August 2, 2009


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  1. herr doktor bimlerAugust 2, 2009 at 3:02 AM

    Wikipedia tells me that when I become a Grand Companion of the NZ Order of Merit I will be entitled to flank my coat of arms with a pair of grannie supporters.

    I do not know what a Grand Companion involves, but it may entail being Dame Malvina Major's gigolo.

  2. I pledge allegiance
    To the flag
    That brings the dancing grannies
    And to the asshole
    For which it stands
    One nation
    Under dancing grannies
    With Freudian Graphics representing anuses and animated grannies for all

    Capcha concurs: tainthos

  3. Making 'em a single mass of seething dancing grannies works well.

    STARGARD. Also.

  4. Boogie wonderland indeed, McSubstance


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