Sunday, July 26, 2009


Mark Steyn vs. graphs.


  1. It keeps cracking me up how everybody rushes to point out that global climate change denyers are LYING. No. Really?

    Could it be that they taught us the greenhouse effect in seventh grade science, and there's a completely logical basis, not to mention excellent science backing it up?

    Of course, the fact that they're willing to let several billion people DIE over the next hundred years makes it particularly egregious, but it cannot be denied that I will be dead long before that so I can laugh with impunity.

    Har har harhardeeharr....


    It is reassuring how Capcha insists on a "u" after a "q" even in a nonsense word. squialit!

  2. I think in this case it's amusing because he's lashing out at those correcting him. He is, he makes clear, an uneducated clod so everything else is gravy.

  3. Oh, and he quotes Plimer!! Who got a pretty good trashing at Deltoid about his last denialist tract.
    It must be a Twofer weekend.

  4. That was me akchewaly

  5. Mark Steyn is off the chart with a scouring pad!

  6. Another Kiwi said...

    That was me akchewaly

    Yet another reason Another Kiwi needs a glob.

    I mean blog.

  7. No, no I'll take a glob.
    I'd expect that there'd be minions if you had a glob. I'm just in it for minions.

    Capcha talks of the festival of Kwqzrzi when the head of a pig is used as a polo ball. Good times, my friends, good times

  8. My friends, there are those on the left who would destroy our minionaires.


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