Friday, July 17, 2009

Let the Photoshopping Begin

John "Humbert" Derbyshire will soon have a new book out, and I gotta say I like the cover:
The "doom" is apparently a running gag.

Via mikey:


  1. I got some comments for consurvatives at my blog.

    They're doomed, alright. And Pooped!

  2. While there is still Hot Space Mommas magazine, there is still hope

    Capcha says miced. I rate for it

  3. Ok, sure, I lack Bubba's skills and the whole shtick is kind of obvious and cheap, but I decided I'd rise to the challenge:

    Capcha and I have mated

  4. You know, I don't actually have skills.

  5. You're welcome to it. But you might want to make the text color a little closer. I ran out of patience...

  6. They are so committed to the Doom that they fully intend to take the rest of us along for the ride.

    I wonder; if they enjoyed sex and drugs a little more, maybe they wouldn't be quite so zealous about destroying civilization?

  7. Yikes, I've seen sheepdogs with less hair.


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