Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Mitochondrial Eve
Found it hard to believe
That she'd meet the Y-chromosome Adam.
She was right it turned out
For there can be no doubt
That her great × n granddaughter had him.

Via Pharyngula, Brian Kilmeade understands the perils of straying from the bloodline:


  1. Mito Eve and Y-chrome A
    Decided over quite a few beers
    To overlook the 10,000 years
    So they went out the back
    and had a paleolithic time in the sack

  2. Oooh, I'll be damned, almost linked to ol' Kilmeade there as a prime example of genetic drift & eugenics, but I reloaded & my work was done for me.

    Easy & "shrot."

  3. herr doktor bimlerJuly 8, 2009 at 6:02 PM

    The Twilight of the Mitochondria.

  4. Kilmeade has an enticingly large forehead, does he not?

  5. Kilmeade has an enticingly large forehead, does he not?

    That should make a phrenological analysis even easier.

    To the video analysis lab, Dr. Frist!

  6. herr doktor bimlerJuly 9, 2009 at 1:36 PM

    Kilmeade has an enticingly large forehead
    All the better for me to PROJECT ONTO.

  7. I was leaning toward encephalitis myself but...

    I've been mured, not so bad, really

  8. Kilmeade has an enticingly large forehead

    False packaging. Crack it open and it is filled with styrofoam peanuts.

  9. herr doktor bimlerJuly 10, 2009 at 3:33 PM

    Perhaps it was a mistake to have "Contents may settle after packing" tattooed upon my own forehead.


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