Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Absence of Evidence is Not Evidence of Provenance

News from Israel:
This was supposed to be the happiest day in the life of Sharon Schechter and Roman Buksafon, but on Monday, a day before their wedding, the Chief Rabbinate informed he couple they were not allowed to marry.

"You are adopted and therefore your Jewishness cannot be verified," a rabbi at the Chief Rabbinate told Roman, who denies being adopted and says he has produced all the documents required by the Rabbinate to receive a wedding permit.
The rest of the article details what seems to be a requirement that one prove one is not adopted before a marriage will be performed.

What if the guy was really found among the reeds on a riverbank?


  1. But hell, that should be easy.

    Just go get the vault copy...

    Nice and comfywo here

  2. I'd be Groucho Marxist about this and not join their club.

  3. herr doktor bimlerJuly 8, 2009 at 1:40 PM

    Doktorling Sonja reckons that we are not her real parents, and that she adopted us. This was a shattering revelation.
    At least she was not raised by llamas, like I was. [spits.]

  4. I dunno how long the run-up to the marriage was but if the rabbi had questions it might have been nice to give the guy a little time to get a blood test beforehand.

    That and ignore a stupid rule and become an atheist, but what the heck.

  5. The rabbinate has been really shitty about this in recent years, especially to Jews from the US who don't have "Jewish" printed on their birth certificate. The New York Times Magazine had a lengthy piece on the subject last year if anyone's interested.

  6. herr doktor bimlerJuly 8, 2009 at 2:15 PM

    a little time to get a blood test
    More time required if your parents are dead so you also need a double exhumation.

    But isn't that just kicking the problem down the road? How do you prove that your parents weren't adopted in turn?

    I am shocked that individuals given authority by dint of a state religion are using it arbitrarily.

  7. A long article about Jewish genetic markers.

    The new analysis shows that Jewish ancestry reflects a mosaic of genetic sources. While earlier studies focused on the Middle Eastern component of Jewish DNA, new research has revealed that both Europeans and Central Asians also made significant genetic contributions to Jewish ancestry. Moreover, while the DNA studies have confirmed the close genetic interrelatedness of many Jewish communities, they have also confirmed what many suspected all along: Jews do not constitute a single group distinct from all others.

  8. Well, as the kids say, Duh.

    Three words.

    Sammy. Davis. Junior....

  9. We all have the same Mom but back aways

    Oh The Lisping Kings have a new album out 'Regenth'

  10. We're all mutts, so let's just cut to the chase (aka hiney sniffing).

  11. I've given it a great deal of thought, and I've concluded that there is absolutely NO upside to hiney sniffing...

  12. Maybe if you arch your back a little more.

  13. herr doktor bimlerJuly 8, 2009 at 5:50 PM

    The world needs more Hallmark Valentines-day cards involving the word 'lordosis'.

  14. I'd have picked you a dozen red roses
    Except for my recurrent lordosis

    Malin in 2012

  15. herr doktor bimlerJuly 8, 2009 at 8:52 PM

    Oh very good.
    I was going to rhyme 'flehmen' with 'ramen' but the resulting sonnet was lacking in gravitas.

  16. The gravitas in Hallmark cards is the second most important facet after fubbsy kittens.
    Flehmen never achieved his cricketing potential IMO so I don't see why he would be in a Hallmark card


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