Monday, June 15, 2009

Happenings in the Greater World

The Talented Telepathist has been busy:
I told the 2 Swedish Girl Journalists about the Entire American Media Covering Up the Fact that TV Star Kelly Ripa was Gay and that this They had done for the Past 2 Years. These Swedish Journalists Said that That Was Impossible, That the Entire American Media Couldn't Possibly Be Bought Off. One of Them was So Worked Up that She could Hardly Talk, She Could Hardly Get the Words Out. Well, you Thousands of American Media People Reading This Blog Know That Unfortunately This is True. I asked These Girls if I Could Mention Their Names in My Blog and They Said No. I Said, The Evil and Powerful American Media Will Be Angry That You Sided With Me and Will Make Sure That You Lose Your Jobs and That You Never Work Again. I Said---You'll Starve To Death on the Streets of Stockhom as Martyrs to the Truth, That is So Romantic . What Girl Wouldn't Be Won by Such Pleasing Talk?


  1. The thing that pisses me off even more than that is that the ENTIRE American media is covering up the fact that Ann Curry has six toes!

    When will the horror end?

  2. One has ask oneself "Is the time taken to capitalise every fucking word, really the best use of ones, essentially limited, time on this earth"

  3. Another Kiwi, that leads one to question whether using apostrophes is a sensible use of one's time also.

  4. Now that I know Kelly Ripa is gay, I have to revise all of my daytime tv fantasies (in a good way).

  5. Thankyou ZR. One is humbled.


  6. It makes me wonder if the american media knows all about the fossilized hadrisaur pelvis with the .375 H&H slug embedded in it that I have in my sock drawer.

    Because just like Kelly, I was certain that it was a secret...

  7. OK, I maybe need to know LESS about mikey's pelvis...

  8. Captcha insists on the involvement of hamlings.

  9. herr doktor bimlerJune 15, 2009 at 8:55 PM

    What a coincidence. Once I found a sock in my pelvis drawer.

  10. herr doktor bimlerJune 15, 2009 at 9:12 PM

    Sloppy house-keeping. Rest assured, however, that these days I keep my collection of human body parts in meticulous order.

  11. Interest, newsletter, etc, Mr. Bimler....

  12. The good Herr Doktor is the Heart and lungs of his community.

    Capcha says do not go ghtle into that nhght

  13. herr doktor bimlerJune 15, 2009 at 10:45 PM

    The only way the Government will get my cold dead hands...

  14. Once I found a sock in my pelvis drawer

    Is that what kids are calling it these days?

  15. fish's standard comment these days.

    True Story. I shan't be back.


  16. herr doktor bimlerJune 16, 2009 at 4:43 PM

    Camel Case?
    [checks ArthurMeeWikipedia]
    Oh, I see. But it still sounds like something from a Kliban cartoon. Like this, but larger.

  17. Now that I know Kelly Ripa is gay, I have to revise all of my daytime tv fantasies (in a good way).

    That you made it past 2 Swedish Girl Journalists speaks well of you.

  18. herr doktor bimlerJune 16, 2009 at 5:45 PM

    2 Swedish Girl Journalists, 1 küpp.

  19. That you made it past 2 Swedish Girl Journalists speaks well of you.

    Oh they're in there too.

  20. 2 Swedish Girl Journalists walk into a bar.

    The first one says
    "Får jag röra skinkorna?"

    The bartender says
    "Vad är det med henne skinkor?"

    The other Swedish Girl Journalist says "Jag har en Weta i mina byxor"

    Hmmm. Loses something in translation.

    Capcha suggests a new successor to kim jong il: jojoil

  21. 2 Swedish Girl Journalists walk into a bar.

    "Is Stock home?"

  22. herr doktor bimlerJune 17, 2009 at 5:17 PM

    "Jag har en Weta i mina byxor"

    All the Swedish you ever need to learn.


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