Friday, June 5, 2009

First Ever Dual Post Update

In comments on the Klavan thread:


Also from a longer post by Donna, a crowning achievement:


  1. I'm Burt Prelutsky, and I approve this abortion!

  2. Oh, that is marvelous.

    RB: the anti-troll.

  3. I've got someone else calling me Burt on that thread.

  4. Okay, so who is Gateway Pundit? He can't be all of those people pictured at the top of his blog, at least not at the same time.

    Someone should introduce Ms. Attitude and Donna V. to the banners at Three Bulls.

  5. It might have been more fun to have been William F. Buckley and have someone go "Hey! You're dead!"

  6. herr doktor bimlerJune 5, 2009 at 4:30 PM

    Are those really all your moustaches?

  7. Ahh.

    I assumed they grew as weeds in the dental floss patch...


    Oh, capcha seems to think I'm not just one who finds joy in satire, but I'm a female.


  8. Gotcha RB!! Why you sly old baby eater you.

  9. That was 1/2 me. I losted my rattite bit.

  10. Rusty ShackleblartJune 6, 2009 at 9:29 AM

    Those people at Glavin's site are priceless. I swear to bog, not a single pro-lifer has ever read Roe. They have no fucking clue what it actually means. They just know that, when it comes to scissors in baby skulls, why, they're agin it! Thus something something Roe.

    Waiter, take back this borscht. It's been pedin.

  11. I felt a little bad when they started going on about the state of Burt's relationship with his wife. I'm sure she suffers enough.


  12. Clearly, when one parses this thread carefully, and analyzes it based upon a broad understanding of the internet and the way it all has evolved, the logical assumption is that WND's Burt Prelusky is a lying liberal. Because, really, what other conclusion might one draw?

    ophorme I work my ass off
    ophorme I drink the wine
    ophorme I take my pants off
    and wrap my nutsack tight with twine
    ophorme I cruise the sidewalks
    seeking only little boys
    ophorme I wear that helmet
    to block out the background noise

  13. I think it is merely some masterful performance art, probably by Gary Ruppert.

    Pantiers belong at 3 Bulls. Which is a total mess right now, because of the ombudsnafu.

  14. El Salvador is making sense!

  15. Am I Burt.

    The beard is scratchy
    I cannot think very well
    I have opinions

  16. WND's Burt Prelusky is a lying liberal. Because, really, what other conclusion might one draw?

    You have to admit I nailed it with "I just love abortions." People say that ALL THE TIME. Convincing!

  17. herr doktor bimlerJune 6, 2009 at 3:17 PM

    Your reading difficulties do not worry me so much as your writing difficulties.

  18. herr doktor bimlerJune 6, 2009 at 3:18 PM

    Identity is theft!

  19. What really grinds my gears is that even after Blogger has fixed its comment formatting problem, Burt insists on giving advice about it.

  20. What really grinds my gears is that even after Blogger has fixed its comment formatting problem, Burt insists on giving advice about it.

    I saw something about that elsewhere and then a comment of mine failed, so I didn't buy in. Let's see if it works.

  21. I wasn't sure either. I was going based on this, in which Burt's advice was followed to ill effect.

    Note that I have linked to a comment by me on a post about Burt Prelutsky. Self-referentiality double up!

  22. capcha says 'Unrove'

    We're tryin, capcha, we're tryin.

  23. just goes to show that your best bet is to figure Burt is full of shit.

    That goes if Bubba is Burt, also. What other conclusion can one draw?

    I also think Bubba is bald mustache dude.

  24. Well, kinda whatever, y'know?

    I'm not going to get m hair in a twist about the aesthetics of my comments and how the italics all bunches up like a bunch of ukrainians trying to get in phone booth.

    But interestigly, capcha is following the unrove with the brack!

    I guess we know who's responsible for what around here...

  25. Those people are making me sad. Their schaden is just too appalling to allow any freude about it.

  26. I also think Bubba is bald mustache dude.

    Further, I know my comments are real because I've crafted them with care, but how can I be sure the other comments are not just additional pieces in Burta's vast internet self-promotion project, in this case, an effort to give the false impression of wide discussion in the comments to his posts?

  27. herr doktor bimlerJune 6, 2009 at 5:37 PM

    What really violates my sector is the way the bold letters spread out like a bunch of German tourists cutting into the airport check-in queue.

    So much Schmertz, so little Welt.

  28. Gadzooks.

    And here I felt bad about bagging Ukrainians. But then, unlike Germans, Ukrainians are pagans...


  29. a bunch of ukrainians trying to get in phone booth

    I think they'd do it one by one. Time waiting can be time drinking.


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