Thursday, June 25, 2009

Comment on the Futility of the Humanities


  1. So I'm spending the day, in my untroubled life of elite leisure and cheap bimbos at the Museum of Modern Art in The People's Republic of San Francisco, just west of America, and I came across an incredibly large cache of BRAINSSSSSSS, and SO wanted to share them (at least SOME of them) with Zombie Rotten, but you know that motley collection of body parts, tie dye and lawn clippings does not post his email address on the web?

    What's that about?

    What is he afraid of? Buffy?



  2. I am not clicking on that. I don't think my computer will like it.

    ZRM, transcribe in big print, please!

  3. I guess I should mention that the screenshot is the RSS feed of this.

  4. herr doktor bimlerJune 25, 2009 at 4:45 PM

    I am going to repeat some of those 2000-word CT paragraphs as copy-paste spam over at Sadly,No!

    With RB's signature.

  5. Did you mention socialism? Cuz that'll do it since they're right-wing crazies over there.

  6. Actually I pointed out that the comment form works well.

  7. I anticipate the necrocelebretist school.

  8. In the immortal words of Wonder Wart-Hog (The Hog of Steel): "Metaphysics, poo!"

  9. Some mornings, Bouffant, the best I can do(o) is a metaphysical poo...

    A condition Capcha celebrates by announcing asphy

  10. herr doktor bimlerJune 26, 2009 at 6:44 PM

    Surf's short
    Death's long
    So's me dick
    Pass the bong

    -- Captain Goodvibes, Pig of Steel.

  11. Richard is short, that's why he's Dick.
    He loves honey off a stick
    Which has quite a lot to do
    With why we call him Pooh

  12. Literary darwinism, may the strongest adjective survive:

  13. Have at you sir!!!Atomic

  14. Or, um, some adjectival variant of that.

  15. I love the MOMA, mikey. is the exhibit from the crazy finnish architect still up?

    also, the whackaloon animator who uses charcoal? Serious brains, that.

    my email has been redacted by homeland security. They are repressing zombies already.

  16. Burglariously

  17. All these sadverbs are getting done in by the adjectives thrown at them. Things have taken a catastrophic turn. Dire, so to speak. It's making the verbs tense and the nouns are in decline.

  18. "He was acting Burglariously, yer Worship, wiv aforethoughtness"

    RB!!! capcha says butco!!! What sink of depravity are you allowing this site to sink to, sinkingly.

  19. grammar-pedant comment about distinction between 'strong adjectives' and 'base adjectives' removed by the author for not being more funny.

  20. herr doktor bimlerJune 27, 2009 at 2:41 PM

    I anticipate the necrocelebretist school.
    The necrocerebral school we have already.

    the verbs tense and the nouns are in decline.
    Alternative lyrics for Nash teh Slash "Swing Shift".

  21. I got to "Shit happens!" and I decided that was the most understandable, clearest information I was going to get out of it, so I stopped.

    shit happens!

  22. That's a shawty for Halasz. Check out some of his Pomo belches on the Valve or the old Lung Sunday. Actually, for a PoMo's he's fairly coherent, like say one out of ten sentences.

    My comments at CT are left in the "to be moderated within the next six months" file. And I think I've been flagged with "not a friend of John Holblo" alert as well, so like banned from four or five cutting-edge sites.


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