Thursday, May 21, 2009

Asking For It

So: we have a former VP and opposition party committed to torturing people. They'll do it again if they can, and they loudly trumpet to the world that they'll do it (although it used to be treason to admit such things and emboldened the whatsit and so forth).

The more the monsters parade their depravity the more obvious a political win prosecution becomes.


  1. What you say is indisputable, but one wonders what the post-prosecutions world might look like.

    Gonzales does a deal for immunity.

    Addington gets eight years at club fed.

    Bybee impeached, Yoo disbarred.

    Cheney continues to be an outspoken critic of anything short of Soviet Gulags and remains a public figure, respected by some and loathed by many.

    The lesson we end up teaching may not be in our best interests...

  2. In my utopian imaginings Cheney dies in prison. He's the one waving the JAIL ME sign around.

  3. Eeewwww.

    You got utopia in my cynicism...

  4. It's still a somewhat cynical utopia. Cheney is a good target because he makes political sense: everyone hates him and he's daring the powers that be to arrest him.

  5. I'm thinking the only arrest Cheney will see is of the cardiac variety.


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