Saturday, April 18, 2009

Guess What? Burt Prelutsky's Mind Wanders!

Burt Prelutsky column. Subject? Let's count!

1. "Recently, I was called cranky"
2. Carl Bernstein is portrayed in movies and that sucks but Che Guevara in movies is worse.
3. Christopher Hitchens will repent when he dies.
4. Women are greedy.
5. Women are terrible women.
6. The greedy terrible women are probably liberals, who hate women.
7. Liberals are hypocrites.
8. Liberals destroyed Cliff Robertson.
9. The UN sucks.
10. Obama's a socialist and everyone knows that's bad except for dummies.
11. Taxes something something.
12. You should be outraged about Obama being near Muslims.

There once was a writer called Burt
Did I tell you all that my feet hurt?
I don't like Charo that much
Some great painters were Dutch
Ladies should really wear skirts.


  1. That's just silly. Ladies shouldn't wear anything.

    I'd always been told that Cliff Robertson's career ended because he destroyed David Begelman's career accidentally (long story) but I haven't (& won't ) read Burt's item to determine if that has anything to do therew/.

    (I of course agree w/ all his other points.)

  2. Sorry Burt, Dan Castellaneta got the Abe Simpson gig (some time ago).

  3. herr doktor bimlerApril 19, 2009 at 4:37 AM

    Recently, I was called cranky
    Nurse, I would like a new hanky.
    The great actors are dead,
    or instead they turned Red,
    And the TV displays hanky-panky.

    What is more, the Capcha word is 'hancodio', and I am sure that was not a word when I was young. You kids and your made-up 'jive'.

  4. There's only one subject, "I am cranky." The rest serves as evidence.

  5. Won't anybody turn an old guys crank handle?

    Capcha tells me to sproppit

  6. Or turned him onto Lileks. Seriously, those two could share a Bloggingheads that I would actually watch.

  7. Lord, let the winner receive a smooch from Andy Rooney.

  8. holy crap, he's only been Lileks blogging a couple of weeks and MenD has gone insane.

    How could you even SUGGEST such a thing? It would be like antimatter meeting matter, annihilating the universe... except dull.

  9. It would be like antimatter meeting matter, annihilating the universe... except dull.It's all over but the liveblogging. You know this.

    "I'm fixing a hole where the rain gets in, to stop my mind from wandering where it will go..."

  10. It would be like antimatter meeting matter, annihilating the universe... except dull.

    Perhaps the damage would be limited as they inhabit two different time-streams.


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