Saturday, March 21, 2009


Look, let's be serious: few things give me more satisfaction than slurping on a Chubby. What could make that Chubby better? Tell me that Chubby's an Orange Swish Chubby and my throat is yours forever.


  1. When you need a good stiff drink, Chubby is the one your tongue craves.

    Just pretend I don't know, what's lancer orange, another invataion for dooble entendre?

  2. There's an accent mark over the second "e" in orangé so it's probably some kind of foreign thing. I'm going to assume it means "succulent sausage".

  3. Orangé would be a past participle, so I'm going for "oranged lance." Very complementary to blued balls.

  4. Words of Wisdom

    Why must you slay me so?
    I’m gonna get fired ya know.
    I spew out my lunches
    In partly-chewed bunches
    All cuzza that Sadly, No!

    Righteous Bubba
    As published on another blögüé.

  5. I'm afraid "lancer orangé" is just French for Orange Swish.

  6. It's an islamofascist front! Keep away from the Chubby! Where is Pam Geller when we need her?

  7. I'm afraid "lancer orangé" is just French for Orange Swish.

    Say it out loud and it's Arabic for "Hide under their beds, then BLAMMO!"

  8. From islamofacistchubbyland: "An exciting new category in the soft drink industry was created when Chubby was developed to target children."
    Um, crikey. They usually try to hide that sort of thing.

  9. the plastic screw cap permits the convenience of multiple sips

    Dear God! These multiple sips will enfatten our infants, leaving them too rotund to point their M-16s properly!

  10. Wait, I have seen this biligual labeling before.

    Have you been in... CANADA?

  11. In fact, it was at a gas station outside rainy snowy misty Port Alberni that I acquired my Chubby, and I thanked the provider in the usual manner.

  12. WHAT? You were on the Island and didn't tell me? For shame!

    I hope, at least, that Alberni's sulphurous reek had not yet set in for the Spring.

  13. Also, "orangé" would literally, if not liberally translate as "oranged."

    Flavour notwithstanding, I'm sure it was everything you were looking for in a chubby.

  14. WHAT? You were on the Island and didn't tell me? For shame!

    How could I be HIDING IN YOUR BATHROOM RIGHT NOW if I went around broadcasting all my movements? Ruins the surprise.

    Oh, oops.

  15. I'm not actually ON the Island. That would be too much of a giveaway.

  16. Port Alberni Motto: Bear Tracks And Lumberjacks and their Chubbies.

  17. "Pine from the Fjord"? Norwegian Retsina is NO LAUGHING MATTER.

  18. Maybe they could start making wine from the pine beetles as well.

  19. Norwegian Retsina is NO LAUGHING MATTER.

    Is it a weeping and gnashing of teeth matter? Does it make your teeth feel fir-ry, or is it balsam to the troubled palate?

  20. herr doktor bimlerMarch 24, 2009 at 3:38 PM

    Norwegian Retsina is served at all the best fusion restaurants. Goes well with the lutefisk lasagne.

  21. Reverend Swank tells us. Retsina scans will capture your soul for the antichrist. Buff jet fandango altitude.

  22. lutefisk lasagne

    I might've gone with lutefudge.


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