Saturday, March 14, 2009

Off Adventuring

Gone for a week or so.

Consider, if you will, ADULT Wii GAMES.


  1. herr doktor bimlerMarch 14, 2009 at 1:35 PM

    Golden shower jokes DO NOT WANT.

  2. Dear Sir, I have seen your advertisement for Bikini Zombies and would like to receive your instructional video and Wii game.
    I think it will be just what my marriage to Inflatable Debbie, needs.
    yours sincerely
    A Kiwi

  3. Go John Galt for a Week!

    Try it. You'll like it. Or your money back.

  4. So with RB out of town. Who has the keys to the liquor cabinet? Woo hoo!

    Indeed as capcha notes: hutust

  5. herr doktor bimlerMarch 16, 2009 at 8:08 PM

    Just back from tramping in the Tararuas. Didn't see RB there.

  6. What do zombies need with bikinis, indeed.

    Me thinks there is a poetry contest in there, somewhere.

  7. I hope that the good Herr Doctor did not knock over any windmills in the Tararuas

  8. herr doktor bimlerMarch 18, 2009 at 2:00 AM

    A zombie without a bikini is like a windmill without a Don Quixote.

  9. Not surprisingly, one person who isn't laughing is David Walsh, founder of the National Institute on Media and the Family.

    Aka D.W.NIMF.

  10. Not surprisingly, one person who doesn't get invited to many parties is David Walsh, founder of the National Institute on Media and the Family


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