Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Christ! The Horror!

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President McCain I mean.


  1. So basically you're a whiny conservative with a very good imagination, Mr. Elder.
    Jeepers,how fascinating.

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  2. herr doktor bimlerMarch 26, 2009 at 3:46 AM

    Imagine if 'President McCain' joked about the Special Olympics
    Worst John Lennon homage EVA.

  3. In my imagination, Elder would have typed his little fingers to the bone to defend John McCain, just like he did the RNC for sending out the "Barack the Magic Negro" Christmas CD. He'd probably also chide me for comparing the two, because while Obama's slip shows something deep and dark about his character, recording a song, pressing CDs and mailing them to scores of people was a simple mistake anyone could have made.

  4. Along similar lines one wonders about people who are fixated on the Malkin cheerleader video.

  5. The local Rush wannabe big chunks of this piece over the air this morning. My first thought was "Ha, Righteous Bubba beat you!" He didn't have much to say, just the usual "Hmm, good stuff, let me know what you think."

  6. Yes, I beat him to reading Larry Elder, and my pride shows.


  7. I just wanted to give you a standing O
    Way too much information.

  8. Aww, now I'm touched.

    Some chocolate would be nice first.

  9. "Thetive" is your captcha of the moment. Relevant, no?

    Let's rewrite this, in the manner of apoplectic copywriters everywhere: Imagine if "President" George W. Bush had lied about the presence of WMD in Iraq. Can you imagine the uproar?

    The media would have called for his impeachment immediately.

  10. I have to say, Bert seems friskier since you added the mini-Malkins.

  11. Burt may require an extra spoonful of laudanum in his nightly tonic.


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