Sunday, February 1, 2009

One Step Behind

Pam on the Pajamas Media debacle:
Can you imagine if I were given 20% of what was invested in PJM? I am one person. No assistants, no interns, no editors, nuthin. I would have had bands of free men roving the world reporting into Atlas central. TV, video, newsletters, action alerts, campaign headquarters -- serious ass whuppin.
Yes I can imagine, Pam, yes I can:

Also, let me ruin this song:


  1. ZOMG!

    I never noticed before, but there's an option to watch Pammalammadingdong bikini-blog in High Quality!

    What ever could they mean by that?

  2. .
    Do you see the abyss that we're in?

    Do you?

    P.S. I've made it through 4 minutes of this one. That's half! No sign of high quality yet...

  3. I made it through that beach one once and I'll never do another. Wait, did I watch all of that stupid party one? I live in hell.

  4. That's just cruel, I clicked on it and there she was. Some crazy lady...on a beach.. talking strangely. WTF

  5. ITTDGY: That way lies madness.

    This took me about a day to get.

  6. One Step Beyond, eh?


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