Here's what I did:
100 Subject(SillyNames) honorifics 10 < CapitalizeNext() 100 > { TextDemonCapitalizeFakeWord 100 | words 100 | honorifics 10 | FirstNames 100 } < CapitalizeNext() 100 > { TextDemonCapitalizeFakeWord 100 | FirstNames 100 | words 100 } return 100
100 Subject(SillyNames) < CapitalizeNext() 100 > { TextDemonCapitalizeFakeWord 100 | words 100 | honorifics 10 | FirstNames 100 } < CapitalizeNext() 100 > { TextDemonCapitalizeFakeWord 100 | FirstNames 100 | words 100 } return 100
100 Subject(SillyNames) < CapitalizeNext() 100 > { TextDemonCapitalizeFakeWord 100 | FirstNames 100 < backspace() 100 > "-" 100 < backspace() 100 > < CapitalizeNext() 100 > FirstNames 100 | words 100 | syllables 100 < backspace() 100 > words 100 | words 100 < backspace() 100 > syllables 100 | honorifics 10 | FirstNames 100 | FirstNames 100 < backspace() 100 > syllables 100 | syllables 100 < backspace() 100 > FirstNames 100 } < CapitalizeNext() 100 > { TextDemonCapitalizeFakeWord 100 | FirstNames 100 | words 100 | words 100 < backspace() 100 > "-" 100 < backspace() 100 > < CapitalizeNext() 100 > words 100 } return 100
I had to make a text file for honorifics, one of first names and another for random words (found a dictionary file on the web and used that). Turns out there's a TextDemon in JanusNode that makes fake words constructed from random syllables...I altered that to make it spit out longer fake words.
I separated the varieties of silly names into three lines; I don't know what the deal is but JanusNode doesn't seem to want to honour the frequency of the honorifics I specified so I just added lines without them.
The last line's the most complicated, with nonsense syllables getting added to real names or words and hyphenation. I think what I like most is that the ridiculous exists right next to "Dorine Simonson". "First Lieutenant Telephoning Madhouse" cracks me up.
Output:First Lieutenant Private Caysurroym
Cloodelbert Brew-Rainstorm
Prince Status Beseeches
Rear Admiral Violette
Gia-Anjanette Sadie-Troubling
Dorine Simonson
Gentlemen Overlays
Ethelcee Fishnolvohclel
Great-Aunt Deduct Lapnooke
Thibikl Mi
First Lieutenant Telephoning Madhouse
Captain Jotxagpeeb Krysta
Shalasheeke Hoisted-Systems
Civet Numbered
Commander Brenton Restart
Cluverline Wilder
Saint Relevances
danille Gregorio
Formulates Philosophers
Private Wade Merna
Good gravy:Unanticipated Cuc
This last one had both me and the six-year-old giggling for ten minutes. Truly, I did not anticipate Cuc.
Dr BLT, Recovering Troll said,
March 19, 2008 at 0:43
I honestly never thought Sadly No would ever write something that echoes my own sentiments, but it’s a funny world.
The Maverick
words and music by Dr BLT copyright 2008
Righteous Bubba said,
March 19, 2008 at 0:50
Around the last sixth of this piece it sounds like you’re cleaning some cellophane.
Dr BLT, Recovering Troll said,
March 19, 2008 at 1:33
I was probably blowing my nose. I had a bad cold the day I recorded this.