Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Left

David Harsanyi:
And so what? Though the president's fate seems to be the paramount concern of the leftist punditry (a group that now argues that any "real" scandal is only one in which the president had personal knowledge of misconduct in real time -- meaning, one supposes, that Abu Ghraib should be retroactively reclassified as a non-scandal for George W. Bush), it matters not. Even with an adoring public, the chances of Obama's pushing through any substantive legislation before 2014 -- or even 2016 -- were slim at best. Those poll-ignoring obstructionists in the House will see to it.

The president won't be running for re-election, but progressivism will. And the most vital element of Obama's agenda, no matter where any of these investigations lead, has already taken a big hit -- and that's the electorate's trust in government.
Weep bitter tears progressivismists! The socialist utopia you've constructed will END.


  1. Because they've been vindicated.

    It turns out when you de-fund, cripple, deny leadership to and otherwise obstruct government agencies from operating effectively, the DON'T OPERATE EFFECTIVELY!!!

    See, idiot Big-Government Liberals? We were right all along.

    Oh. Um, can you help us out with this little problem we're having down here?

  2. Well, there are also some things where leadership was possible and it didn't work out...

  3. Obama and the democrats could literally jump thru your window and rape you and you dumb-asses would say at least it wasn't a republican. People like you definitely deserve this government, and the Ds and Rs song and dance about being the limits of reasonable discussion.

  4. Hmm, I don't think you've grasped the tone of the post, but thanks for the rape wishes!

  5. Would they fix the window? Because ours don't open very far.
    Also if they came here people would notice and say "Why are President Obama and the Democrats going to AK's house and jumping in the window? I'll just pop over and see what's going on" And then they better watch out because Mr. Wilson was in the Navy and has anger management issues about American sailors. I dunno why. He says "remember the Manners Street riot" which is a problem since I wasn't born there and Manners Street is in Wellington quite near the Logan Brown restaurant who do a nice cream brulee. Though why you'd go all the way there for a cream brulee when they do a perfectly reasonable one at Le Dejenuer in town. When the chef's not having one of his turns when he thinks there's a giant octopus in the hall cupboard.

  6. What, Substance has a window?!
    LUXURY. We has to make do with HOLE IN CEILING. When we're lucky enough to have ceiling.

  7. And the most vital element of Obama's agenda, no matter where any of these investigations lead, has already taken a big hit -- and that's the electorate's trust in government.

    Yay, we arranged it so the public distrusts the government!! W00T!!! NOTHING WILL EVER GET DONE!

  8. Ceiling cat is watching the president rape you.

    And now I want some creme brulee.

  9. ...and if someone figuratively jumps through your window, this means???

  10. Hippie will tell you what the real scandal is.

    (And I don't just mean typepad sending all the comments into the spam filter.)


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