Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Oh Dear

That ЗОРБ's done trapped a mime.


  1. Well done that Mcgravitas fellow. You're going to let the mime out overnight aren't you?

  2. Is the woman miming trying to get in a glass sphere? 'Cause that would be funny.

    And why is there a Bawlmer Ravens logo behind the trapped mime?

  3. Got to role the mime downhill now.

    Suppose it was Al Jonson inside the zorb instead, soundlessly singing? It would be a mame mime.
    This could be the start of a mame mime meme.

  4. It's okay, the mime was a Ravens fan.

  5. Wow, that's cool. I also wondered about the Ravens logo.

    Also, too, the cleaning woman should be cleaning, not getting her sticky handprints all over the damn orb...

  6. Hmm, a few varieties of snow could be added...but maybe in the evening.

  7. yes more snow for bed rest ing with blu light .. . mome is coming tomorrro w

  8. correction ..word ... ca. /don't follow the link it's not mine

  9. And you know, adding an attempt at snowglobe-style snow found me a cool way to process differences in video images, so thanks.

  10. Wait.

    Is our great and good friend Mr. Clyde reflecting on Al Jolson's Johnson.

    'Cause honestly? That WOULD be weird...

    Hmm. On the other hand, he is a bit of a dead dingo...


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