Friday, May 17, 2013

Field Trip


  1. When I was growing up, I loved hanging out at the dump.

    Of course, I'd go out there to shoot rats and jackrabbits.

    Don't suppose they're gonna give TLD a .22 and turn her loose on the vermin...

  2. they go through the gift shop on the way out?

  3. This is an important document.

    You can tell it's important because it's in Comic Sans.

    I'll second BBBB's "heh" re: the "litter free snack." You certainly wouldn't want to litter at the landfill!

  4. Way to rub it in. The midst of yet another governance scandal and you have to remind us that it's been over a decade since we had a functional landfill.

  5. This is bringing back memories of this... I don't think they ever held waste-free lunch at the landfill though...

  6. Forming the next generation of garbologists.

    Now with quick escape running shoes!

  7. Why litter-free? Is it already a landfull?

  8. Also I think they should be able to shit wherever they like.

  9. I just went back and read it again. I don't think the important document places any restrictions whatsoever on where the kids can shit.

  10. Now with quick escape running shoes!

    She doesn't have to run faster than the bears, just faster than the rest of the class.


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