Saturday, April 27, 2013

Trolling as a Money-Making Enterprise

Props to Manila Luzon:
SAN DIEGO – The University of San Diego – a large, private Catholic college – hosted a drag show in its campus theater Thursday night, prompting a protest by students and local residents who called the event an aberration to Catholicism’s values, while others on campus defended the performance.


The performance starred Manila Luzon, described on his personal website as an “Asian Glamasaurus” drag queen who can been seen with his/her boyfriend around New York City “at the gayest of spots holding each other’s hands and each other’s drinks.”

Before the show began, Luzon stood outside the building in which the theater is located, and where several San Diego news station cameras rolled. He donned a cherry-red kimono-styled dress and Asian-inspired make-up and laughed and chatted with students.

Social media posts Luzon made prior to his show included “If I had as many people buying my songs on iTunes as I have people signing petitions for me not to perform at a Catholic university, then I’d have enough money to pay for a gay wedding” and “Jesus is really mad I’m performing at University of San Diego.”

Protestors, in a flier emailed among members of the San Diego Catholic community, lodged their concerns over Luzon because he is “openly homosexual” and because of his “vocal support of same-sex marriage.”


  1. Wait. Is there something in the bible against wearing women's clothing too?

    Jeez, they sure have a lot of pointless rules. Most of which appear to have been developed in a game of Mad Libs...

  2. called the event an aberration to Catholicism’s values

    Men wearing gowns is completely contrary to Catholicism.

  3. Wait. Is there something in the bible against wearing women's clothing too?

    Not sure if this fits.

    But I felt like playing it.

  4. It is just sad that Woody Allen is reduced to stealing, admittedly pricey, whisky.


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