Sunday, April 21, 2013

An Ordinary Weekend

From an afternoon recital:

My haiku is wrong
I miscounted syllables
What do I do now?

What's with airline food?
Salsbury steak and carrots?
It sucks! Who's with me?

Sadly, I cannot take credit for the drawing below. I did put it in motion, however, after figuring out something about pivoting in Quartz Composer: "Origin" controls on the XYZ axes change the centre point of an image, meaning that you can orient rotation pretty easily and therefore pass control values up through the chain without too much trouble. Then you can keep the template around for re-use in proper Hanna Barbera style.

Audio stolen from The Heckling Hare and possibly the greatest sequence ever put on film.


  1. 3 minutes?


    Dood, let me give you a little unsolicited professional advice.

    Keep your clips short and provide some kind of interactivity between them.

    NO FREAKIN BODY is gonna watch three minutes of anything...

  2. I considered posting a live Dead youtuber.

    But figured mikey wouldn't watch it...

  3. The creature does not appear to actually catch Ann Althouse.

  4. It could use just a touch of the strangely round head of Callista Gingrich...

  5. Possible Law Case with Georgetown University for Sexism and Racism Discrimination in Enrollment Process

    Brief: A female advisor in the admissions department at Georgetown University has been caught openly admitting that she committed the CRIME of discrimination based on people's race and gender in the application process.

    This has the potential to create a large scale lawsuit against Georgetown University, and with the momentum building at the rate it is building, seems very likely that will be the outcome.

    Below are the main links to all of the information regarding this news story and case.

  6. Darned Catholics can't keep men down forever...

  7. Anonymous MRA Spammer sent the same bullshit to Riddled but we are not so tolerant.


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