Tuesday, March 5, 2013

That's BUSH Discipline

Former Florida governor Jeb Bush continued to fend off speculation about his 2016 presidential prospects this morning, saying that he hasn’t decided whether he’ll run and won’t for at least another couple years.

“I’ve decided not to think about it for a while, and I have the discipline to do that,” Bush told CBS’s Charlie Rose [...]


  1. Also, he's walked back the position on immigration that he outlined in his just-published book.

    Taking candidate tips from Willard, I guess.

  2. Politicians will quickly learn to publish e-books that can be updated rather than old fashioned hardbound tomes...

  3. Given the Republicans' track record on technological adoption, that seems to bode for upcoming hilarity.

  4. don't you think it's interesting how uninterested I am? that's my angle. I have the steely eyed discipline not to think about it for a couple of years. But you can--and you should.

  5. Politicians will quickly learn to publish e-books that can be updated

    "I never said that! Someone must have hacked the e-book!"


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