Friday, March 8, 2013


Michael Walsh:
Thanks to Kevin for his observations and conclusions regarding Senator Rand Paul’s filibuster. Needless to say, I am squarely in the Williamson camp on this one: The notion that a president of the United States could authorize the assassination of a fellow citizen on his own toot, with no judicial scrutiny or due process, ought to be repugnant to every American. It simply cannot be countenanced.

For my money, though, the best part of Paul’s marathon was the rage it’s engendered in the breasts of Senators McCain and Graham, who were merrily dining with McCain’s 2008 opponent while Paul was defending liberty and the Constitution. It’s long past time for McCain to step off the national stage. His graceless insulting of Paul, Senator Ted Cruz and Representative Justin Amash as “wacko birds” shows what an embarrassment he has become to the GOP [...]
Here's to the purge.


  1. As soon as he's done yelling at those pesky clouds, McCain's gonna go fire up his trusty A-4 little toy jet plane and drop some death from the skies on those whipper-snappers, ratsen-fratsen glibble dongit...

  2. That's got me daydreaming. A senator going fucking bonkers would be great.

  3. Until Arizona is embarrassed enough by McCain not to elect him, we're stuck with him. The RNC could conceivably not give him the resources to win an election and support someone who has a good chance to beat him; but looking at the other nuts in Congress, I wouldn't bet on it.

    Arizona has a huge mean streak. That and gerrymandering allows the criminal Sheriff Joe Arapaho to stay in office. McCain is almost restrained compared to that shit-weasel.

    In the category of things in my life I have happily abandoned Arizona comes in third, after Nashville. AZ is a libertarian hellscape dotted with New Age hippies.

  4. Arizona has a huge mean streak

    But it's a DRY mean streak.

  5. A state in need of a spanking...

  6. As soon as he's done yelling at those pesky clouds, McCain's gonna go fire up his trusty A-4 little toy jet plane and drop some death from the skies on those whipper-snappers, ratsen-fratsen glibble dongit...

    You mean crash his jet again?

  7. “wacko birds”

    HA HA McCain misspelled "Waco".


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