Monday, January 7, 2013

Not Like the Others


  1. Actually, those cars look a great deal alike to me...

  2. First two-tone duplex I've ever seen. W/ prayer flags, yet.

  3. The cuteness of the one on the right is questionable: you can see by the roof that it would look like the one on the left if a big brick rectangle hadn't been stuck on its front.

  4. The National Trust for Historic Preservation magazine used to have a last page feature called "Re-Muddlings".

    That would have been fully qualified.

  5. I hate errands and I hate art.

    JUST like the others!

  6. The National Trust for Historic Preservation magazine used to have a last page feature called "Re-Muddlings".

    I think "Jesus Restorer" woman in Spain caused their heads to essplode.

  7. this is from around here somewhere isn't it ?, i love wandering around this neighbour hood ,.. i'm the daughter of an architectural drafts man , and i'm de sig n nutty .., i stare more intensely at details than most , while en joying the airing out .. and lighting setting/s ..of different times in the day as well ..of the wanders

  8. it looks like something of some housing just east of me here, i'm just off roncesvalles ,north of parkdale/queen ... ?


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