Friday, January 4, 2013

I Had the Venison

Richmond Station prepares Bambi properly.

Sorry, ate in a crazy frenzy and did not photograph the dish.


  1. Note to self: Substance is NOT a cheap date. Do not try the "Ha ha ha, looks like Taco Bell's the nearest place" on him.

  2. That's crazy. A deer tag is sixteen dollars. A round of .270 Win is a buck.

    Voila. 90 Pounds of Venison in the trunk...

  3. In MPLS, Snag took me to a place where I had a steak that included a section of bone with marrow as a garnish.

    Look, even as a not-zombie, that was delish. It does NOT bode well for you breathers once we begin...

    Also, mikey, we KNOW from venison up here, and shooting it is the kind of the SIMPLEST part of making it edible, unless you're REALLY hongry.

  4. Definitely true of pigs, but Venison is pretty much yummy right outta the box.

    Kill it.

    Hang it and bleed it.

    Gut it.

    Butcher it.

    Age it (optional).



    If you wanna make the bits into venison sausage, that calls for help, gear and beer. But otherwise, it's rock n roll...

  5. Note to self: Substance is NOT a cheap date. Do not try the "Ha ha ha, looks like Taco Bell's the nearest place" on him.

    I dunno- my date with him at the foot fetish place wasn't overly expensive... and neither of us even has a foot fetish.

    In MPLS, Snag took me to a place where I had a steak that included a section of bone with marrow as a garnish.

    I love marrow bones- I can usually find them for a reasonable price at the supermarket.

  6. did not photograph the dish

    S'alright, McGravitas, I know what a dish looks like.

  7. A troll over at Balloon Juice got into an HILARIOUS fight where he kept saying NASA is lying to get money by posting images obtained from the Hubble. His claim is that since non-visible spectrums are assigned colors, the images are not "real" somehow, and thus NASA was trying to deceive, OBVIOUSLY FOR NEFARIOUS PURPOSES BECAUSE WHY ELSE?

    Even though the NASA site quite clearly states how the images are obtained and produced, and why. And after several people quite clearly explained to him, he still maintained that because it was not what the human eye would "see", they are LIES ALL LIES.

    He got quite wrought about the whole thing too. The funniest thing? He claims to make his living through PRODUCING ARTISTIC IMAGES THAT DO NOT CORRESPOND TO WHAT THE HUMAN EYE PERCEIVES.

  8. That's really great. I lie, therefore you lie.

  9. Oh, but his work was ART, therefore not lying. Or because he was paid, it was OK to lie. IT'S DIFFERENT, that's all!

  10. he still maintained that because it was not what the human eye would "see"
    Well maybe not your original biological eyes, but just because you're too cheap to upgrade doesn't mean that you make the rules.

  11. yeah, where were you Smut? You could have infuriated him with sciencey vision talk, and TOTALLY ran the thread off the rails.


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