Wednesday, January 2, 2013

For Thundra

The Pileated Woodpecker


  1. The other night I got totally pileated....

  2. I think that is a painted woodpecker. A woodwoodpecker?

  3. Happy belated new year. That pecker is on my daily commute. Imagine my consternation when I saw it, then when I noticed you've been painting my town red for a week, and then when I finally noticed that you told me you were doing so a week ago.

    I blame Rob Ford.

  4. And yes, the peckers up in LEAFS SUCK are freakishly huge. Here's the Google Streetview.

  5. Imagine my consternation when I saw it, then when I noticed you've been painting my town red for a week, and then when I finally noticed that you told me you were doing so a week ago.

    You blew it- hanging out with Mr McGravitas is a blast- baby biergartens, foot fetish parties... it's better than your birthday, Christmas, and Walpurgisnacht rolled into one.

  6. eastwardfacingtofurubyJanuary 2, 2013 at 6:46 PM

    I see what's left of the CBC!


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