Thursday, December 27, 2012

Rob Ford is a JOKE

When will the city of Toronto address the severe undersupply of Pepsi Max?

Last night, blizzard:

Today I helped a gentleman push a snowbound car from an alley into oncoming traffic. Anything to help out insurance companies!

Why YES I will sing Positively 4th Street at your karaoke bar. What could go wrong?

Sweet Daddy Siki's career outlined here.


  1. Why YES I will sing Positively 4th Street

    You've got a lotta nerve.

  2. Nice to see they've recovered from the zombie invasion.

  3. Good to see a wrassler live past 50. Bob Dylan, not so much.

  4. Yes, Rob Ford is a Joke. Here's a present for you:

    Merry Christmas.

    And those film studios you found? They were the G20 Detention Centres:

    Oh, and there were some good movies made there too.


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