Sunday, December 30, 2012

Food and Drink

In the morning, before movies, a grilled cheese sandwich from Canteen. The pickled grapes are good on their own, but the recipe for those and the sandwich is here. Added slice of margherita pizza and pumpkin soup.

After movies a couple of undistinguished pints and then off to Miskatonic University Barchef for drinks.

From the sweet and sour portion of the menu two girlie drinks, Strawberries and Lavender on the left, Currant on the right:

Then, from the Molecular portion of the menu, a sort of bubbling half-liquid enchambered in mournful mists from the summit of Hatheg-Kla:

No wait, it's the most insane Manhattan ever:

A pre-human Hyperborean worshipper of Tsathoggua dares you to pluck from the nauseating effluence of miasmal gases...a SAILOR'S MOJITO.


  1. great, now I'm thirsty and it's still 5 hours till the Packer game.

  2. No worries. Aaron Rogers is already drunk...

  3. Take the Riddled Time Machine out of "Park"

  4. Somewhere during the Evening-Of-Getting-Wasted I managed to drink something that made lit items appear to have jagged edges, so for instance a McDonald's arch would look positively electric.

    Or maybe I had a small stroke.

  5. Somewhere during the Evening-Of-Getting-Wasted I managed to drink something that made lit items appear to have jagged edges

    Datura will do that, because your cornea dries up, and then the fine cellular-level microstructure of the corneal surface -- which is normally smoothed out by the film of tears -- turns into a diffraction grating. Or so I am told.

  6. I rely on smoothing of tears quite a lot.

  7. This girlie drinks BEER.

  8. You will be happy to know that the Belgians make pink beer.

  9. Also I gave instructions for the barman to give me his girliest drink and his manliest drink: the Manhattan and the Currant were the result. You can choose which was which!

  10. Oh, I lurked here the other day and saw this, and drooled.

  11. Didn't know that Mt Voormithadreth was in Toronto!

    Did you meet up with a certain Dragon King?

  12. I've left him some messages, but he may be vacationing.


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