Friday, December 21, 2012



  1. Blew right through that yellow like a texan who has to pee.

    I blame the death metal...

  2. I was too busy fiddling with the camera to pay attention to lights. CUT ME SOME SLACK.

  3. How are we supposed to parody Canadians now?

    Strategic syrup reserves. Really?

  4. You can still have fun at the expense of Canadians by asking them to step on that banana peel over there.


  5. Seeing that "Evergreen" truck while stuck at a red light must have seemed like a cruel fate.

  6. That was an oddly pedestrian and mesmerizing slice of your life, Sub. Do you plan on driving while filming a frequently or will you have to learn the hard way?

  7. I don't think I would have done it if conditions had been better. There's a way in which the snow makes things easier and safer: people slow down and appreciate that stopping and starting is a thing you need a lot of preparation for. The camera was actually resting on the steering wheel: not that crazy. When I ran that yellow it was fine, looks worse on camera.

    Holy fuck I gotta get downtown.

  8. I was just teasin' ya', Sub. It didn't look so dangerous. In Texas drivers start spinning out when snow flakes appear. Drivers in the Great White North are much better adapted to it.

    In this town in Oregon there is ONE snow plow and most people don't own snow shovels so it gets kind of treacherous for lack of snow and ice culture.

  9. Victoria had no snowplows when it got buried, like up to the fence-tops. My relatives went and helped put food together at the old folks home.


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